Avantema Modellbilar
Varukorg (0)


Betalning görs via Swish. Swisha ditt totala orderbelopp till 0739 860 860. Vänligen ange ditt faktura nummer som meddelande vid betalning. Betalning ska ske inom 3 dagar. Leveranstid normalt 2-10 arbetsdagar med PostNord. Din ångerrätt är 14 dagar och du står för returportot. Är det fel på varan, kontakta oss omedelbart så löser vi problemet.


For International customers
To place your order use the shopping cart. Please note that your order is not confirmed and registered until you've recieved an order confirmation from us. You will get a reply from us as soon as we have confirmed that the cars you wish to order are still in stock. We ask for some patience and remind you that we sometimes have a lot of orders to handle. Once you recieve your order confirmation you'll also get your invoice with payment instructions. The payment is always in advance via PayPal (for international customers). International buyers pay postage depending on location. Costs for recorded delivery, insurance and transaction fees will be added. The order total shall be paid within 3 days, otherwise it will be cancelled. Once we've recieved your payment your order will be handled and shipped to your requested address. Returns accepted within 14 days and return shipping is paid by the buyer. Please reclaim damaged goods immediately, so that we can replace or refund.



Vintage Cadillac


+46 739 860 860



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